A project with informational-communicational components on the topic of Europe 2020, co-financed by the Government Office for Communication of the Republic of Slovenia.
Kategorija: Nacional and regional projecsts
ENTREPRENEURSHIP – an opportunity for young people
A networking project for young people from non-EU countries on the topic of entrepreneurship, a multi-year project.
Krepost glasbe za krepost ljudi (The virtue of music for the virtue of people)
A project on awareness raising through music.
The project was implemented together with ECO Murska Sobota and the Municipality of Murska Sobota, a multi-year project.
Promoting green innovation
Project to promote green innovations among children and youth.
Project is co-financed by the Municipality of Murska Sobota, multi-year project.
European Youth Initiative for CO2 Reduction
Networking of young people from the EU aiming to promote CO2 reduction.
Project is financed by a German NGO, multi-year project.